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Signa is a product line designed for creation and verification of electronic documents signed with qualified electronic signature:

  • Signa Desktop – software application;
  • Signa Web – public internet service;
  • Signa Docs – document signing platform for enterprises;
  • Signa SDK – framework for IT system developers allowing integration of electronic documents functionality into information system or document management system.

Electronic document created with Signa has the same legal power as signed paper documents because according to EU eIDAS regulation the qualified electronic signatures are legally equivalent to handwritten signatures.

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About us

MitSoft company was established in year 1991. Company's core consists of 6 highest qualification IT professionals. Most of these professionals are working since company establishment. All the members of the team – individually and together – try for common objectives, therefore, unique working culture in the company provides excellent opportunities for every member of the team to enhance competence while increasing the value of the company.

Academic staff, undergraduate and graduate students from Vilnius University Computer Science and Software Engineering departments are participating in the projects together with the core of the company. Many talented Lithuanian IT professionals graduated MitSoft “school” during the time of more than 30 years and continued their career in other IT companies.

MitSoft is one of the few structures in Lithuania where the gap between science and business does not take place as it is usually declared. According to the academic and engineering achievements of the MitSoft employees it is possible to say that our members of the team are best theoreticians among practicians and most practical among theoreticians. MitSoft is a team.

MitSoft‘s solutions are innovative not only in Lithuania but in European Union too. This fact provides many opportunities to offer IT products in international markets. MitSoft has long-life experience in providing software development services to customers from Germany, France, Netherlands, USA and other countries. SAP AG – the largest European and one of the largest software development corporations in the world – is among the most appreciated customers.

MitSoft is an originator of the software process field in Lithuania. Company began working in this field with participation in SQUARE (Software QUality Assessment and Recommendations) general research project held by European Commission’s COPERNICUS programme from year 1995 to 1997. This project enabled the establishment of Software Engineering Department at Vilnius University in year 1999, Software Engineering Bachelors course (one of the first 20 such courses in the world) in year 2002, and Software Engineering Masters course in year 2006.

MitSoft is the only company in Lithuania to have the disposition of the software development process capability and maturity improvement certificate in accordance to ISO/IEC 15504 standard.

MitSoft‘s team members are actively participating in worldwide Enterprise Software Process Improvement and Capability dEtermination (Enterprise SPICE) project that unites more than 100 experts from 30 countries representing all continents. The project has created an integrated process assessment model for enterprise processes that became ISO/IEC 33071 standard. For more information about the project visit

MitSoft‘s main direction of interest for the recent years is electronic documents creation and verification software development and services delivery. To summarize the total experience gathered in the field it is worth mentioning that MitSoft developed an original method for person identification supported by public electronic signature certificates containing NO personal ID. This allows to implement person identification solutions using certificates of any EU country.

MitSoft constantly takes part in tests of implementation of electronic signature standards (PlugTests) organized by ETSI (European Telecommunications Standards Institute) ( The purpose of these tests is to ensure that products and services of various European and worldwide companies are conformant to standard requirements and interoperable. Interoperability tests for electronic signatures are organized on a regular basis: tests of eSig, XAdES, CAdES, PAdES, ASiC, JAdES. They pay special attention to standards that implement the requirements of the eIDAS regulation.

While understanding the importance of electronic documents and their reliability in the daily activities of companies, we strive to ensure that our products and services meet the requirements of the standards to the maximum. Long-term and active participation in interoperability tests has enabled the MitSoft team not only to ensure the desired quality of products and services, but also enabled them to become true experts in electronic signatures and electronic documents. The use of reliable products and services for working with electronic documents not only ensures the harmonious operation of companies, but also increases trust in electronic documents and electronic signatures in general.

Examples of projects performed by MitSoft for Lithuanian customers:

  • Electronic signing and authentication service for State Social Insurance Fund Board;
  • Electronic signing and authentication service for State Tax Inspectorate;
  • Archive of electronic documents for National Courts Administration;
  • Electronic signing service for qualified signatures for Public Procurement Office;
  • expansion of Electronic Declaration System (EDS) of State Tax Inspectorate with functionality for qualified electronic signature;
  • development of the Qualified Electronic Signature Creation and Verification Component for the e-Servicing System of the Citizens (EGAS) of State Social Insurance Fund Board of the Republic of Lithuania;
  • development of the Qualified Electronic Signature Creation and Verification Component for the e-Servicing System of the Insurers (EDAS) of State Social Insurance Fund Board of the Republic of Lithuania;
  • development of Electronic Documents Archive Information System (EAIS) of Lithuania Archives Department;
  • development of IS of the Communications Regulatory Authority for radio station registration;
  • migration of Core Banking Operations Platform of one of the biggest banks in Lithuania;
  • development of Automated Statistics Information System (ASIS) for Centre for Crime Prevention in Lithuania.

Projects performed by MitSoft for foreign customers:

  • development of Work Resources Accounting and Prognostication IS for big consultation company (Germany);
  • development of cancer monitoring IS (USA);
  • development of Computer Programs Complex for linear blanks optimization when slicing given collection of parts (Netherlands);
  • development of Computer Programs Complex for creation and execution of telemarketing scenarios (Netherlands);
  • development of IS for network of travel agencies (France).